Individual task - Lidia Liberska

Hydroponics gardening


  1. I like your drawings a lot and the ideas you get from the plants into the buildings in the end. It is a very interesting conclusion.

  2. I loved the drawings and application of your experiment in them. I've missed maybe some more explanation how it works with the sun, because I saw in your drawings some protection structures. Also I wonder if this way of growing plants uses more water as usual or less? Great inspiring work, thank you!

  3. Veeery nice graphics! Your model is truly alive. I also enjoyed the complexity for the construction of the city. Good job!

  4. It's a pleasure to watch your video! I found your idea of creating hydroponic gardens very interesting. I like the way you are starting with plants and then using them into creating huge structures.

  5. It's a more explicative and dynamic video!

  6. Really interesting and educative video! Your proposal is well explaining and it gives Curiosity!

  7. Very clear video to explain the project from the experimentation of hydroponics to how it could be used in city structures! It is good that you explained using illustrations as well as making physical models.

  8. You have clear your concept, thank you for explining your intentions since the beginning, since a plant till a complex building. I think this the idea of this macrogardens on a building could be attractive, but how it is going to help your project in Dubai? How it is going to improve the life there? Thank you!

  9. I love graphics! And since I am a plant lover I love the whole thing! I am just wondering where would you get that big amount of watter to irrigate those beautifull terrace gardens

  10. Nice video! I understand the idea (also because our group was also researching about hydroponic plants) and your drawings helps to understan it more clear!

  11. Lidia, i really liked your drawing the way you expressed and the idea, out group also researching information about hydroponic plants and your way of thinking and vision help me to see it more different way! i liked it the way you are using and how you using it to!

  12. nice drawings and composing views, really clear and done srep by step, good work¡

  13. You start as a DIY and with a change of scale you take it to the greatest. Congratulations!

  14. I find the structures very interesting, it is very well thought out, good work

  15. The drawing and model are very clear and well done. :)

  16. This is amazing! The whole concept as well as graphics and the video editing. Easy to understand and in such a short video explains such a big idea.

  17. Good work, I really like your drawings and I think you've created a very interesting complex system

  18. Really nice experiment and explanation of the concept! I know with hydroponics it is possible to house fish in the water supply/tanks that the vegetables grow from. Maybe you might find it interesting to incooperate living creatures such as fish to the tanks, as they help add nutrients to the water and interest to the design! Very cool idea.

  19. Short video, clear ideas, nice drawings, so the project is so complete! Good work,

    so nice,
    thank you! <3


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