The No-ego city presented here has nor a place nor a time. This proposal was intended to help with the quality of life of all of the inhabitants of the city. This time, it will be used for Dubai. Human and environmental forces will push the boundaries. Each inhabitant of the city would receive freedom to move around the city and a power to influence the city through his piece of space in the city.  

The main constructive elements are: MODULES, WATER, ‘INVISIBLE FACTORS’ and GRID

The No-ego city embodies new principles of living: freedom of choice, movement in all directions, poetic complexity of language, non-linear time flow, movement of humans and life beings, also the invisible ones, around surfaces that are injured or also recovered; unified and strong communities, shared spaces.
The No-ego city consists of a cluster of cubic modules that float, sink and connect to each other in the water, while everything is being kept together on a grid. This gives endless possibilities, we say the city “restarts” with every change. There is never will be the same city today and tomorrow, there will be endless changes in the location, connections, directions, surroundings. 
Everything depends on how inhabitants act in it, they choose how they create their paths through it, they decide when and how to move their lives underwater, how much time they spend there and finally the goal will have to be to reduce the ego of the inhabitant to pure human behaviour.
Although, there are some external factors that could influence the city. The increase of temperature will make it difficult to stay above the water, as with higher temperature brakes the surface tension of water, so the city will be forced to sink down and continue it’s functionality under the water. A second factor is that invisible movements of inhabitants could make the city be inactive just for a period of time, and then the idea of the city will continue. Another factor that breaks water tension is any impurities present in the water, so if the city unpredictably sinks that will mean we need to rethink the ecological behaviour of the inhabitants. 

People have built societies and cities out of necessity for most of their existence, now they will build it out of freedom.


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