What is a City? - Aleksandra Kadziolka

What is a city? 

I believe that the city is a whole system, a living organism, which consists of many factors. When a city develops, it's like a living human body. However, when we don't care about development, the environment, people die and the city falls. The idea of the city as an ecology, self-sufficient and flexible, adaptable systems, building structures and environments. Important are the physical and social aspects, as well as the interactions that occur between all planes that make the city. The city is people, communities living in buildings that create a physical city. It's ties between people, it's services, communication, connections. First of all, the city is opportunities. When the city gives a chance for growth it is much more attractive for everyone to live. For a city that is an organism to function and be vibrant with life, physical aspects and ties between communities are needed to give a sense of belonging. When a person feels associated with something, than automatically cares and respects it. I think that human society is a life process - continuous development, and design and technology are manifestations of human life. Buildings and cities can be compared to the process taking place in all living organisms: cycles of change and constant renewal, development and destruction. The city should strive to renew, recycle, transform, add and remove architecture to adapt it to changing needs. The city is a constant change and development - of the environment, people, structures, ties and architecture, therefore, as architects and urban planners, we should consider all these aspects, because the city is not only the buildings we build.

Aleksandra Kadziolka


  1. It is melancholic, happy and sad. I like the way it shows connection and the life in the city. The lights could be the street lights or the stars which is a nice way of presentation.

  2. your analyse of the city is really interesting. It remins me the idea of "human ecology" in "The City" of Robert Ezra Park. This idea is that the city grows according to its own logic and it is like a plant which has an intern mecanism.

  3. I love how you show the grid of your city with the lights, I think Dubai is very powerful at night and in general the night image of each city is very important: during the night we can "highlight' what we are proud of and hide what we are not.

  4. I like the idea of a constant grid and the changing ''buildings'' or changing life, I think is very important to take care of these aspects because definitely the city is changing but I think always there is something that remains.

  5. This video and this text let me think that we, as architect, can't totally control the development of a city, because the city is made by infinite elements, and sometimes it developes by randomness


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