The beginning of the end?/ Radical city - Jesus Escamez Rico


  1. Really interresting way to present the city. Your text, your video and drawing are saying things really deep concerning the radical city. Maybe, the future projection of each people inside of the city is the most important driving force of it.

  2. Hi, I love the idea and the way you represent it. Even if you have to (obviously) follow your tutor's instructions I'd recommend you to stick to consistent documents. In your case, I might take some of your references and target one of them: is it THE BEGINNING OF THE END? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?. Is it a HOLE? WHERE? Looks great but I'd try to use the tools of the architect (software, research...) to address some REALITY (or FAKE REALITY). And to select 1 sqkm :) Great Job!!!


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