Radical city that thinks of people first.

What do we think the city looks like? Is it just full of skyscrapers? Nevertheless, many people 'live' there. We can't live by just looking at skyscrapers.
Today's radical cities, oblivious to that fact, focus only on raising highrise buildings. 

I think our city should be full of experience. And in order to have various experiences, it is necessary to walk rather than car. Therefore, I also wanted to create a pedestrian-friendly environment in our radical city.
My drawing is an expression of the ideal pedestrian-friendly distance I've been thinking about.

At the end of the ideal street, a radical city is presented, which, however rather boring idea of keeping the basics, wanted to express that it eventually leads to a radical city.


  1. in your video I really focus on the sound because it is the most unplaisant element of the city you filmed. What if you respond to this unfriendly sound with a radical way? Creating a pedestrian walk is a good idea which could be a respond to this also!

  2. I like the clear contrast and reasoning of you approach. Have you studied how the experience of the city changes when one walks/drives.

  3. I totally agree that the city should be full of experiance. Although I would go deeper into the human needs that a city should provide. Not only pedestrians environment or walkability of a city. :)


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