Sand castels – learning from termits

Sand castels – learning from termits                        GR7 - Natalia Wojtaś

Dubai is a city that was created to amaze people. It’s this kind of spectacle that take your breath away. The city shows a play of skyscrapers that are chasing each other to become higher. Living in such a city can be stressful, because we are always in the flash of the light. It’s more money-making machine than a place for humanity.

Let’s forget about the Dubai that we know nowadays! Let’s bury it under the sand and create the sand city with a treasure underground.

 Is it a new solution? The idea of making such a habitat has been already created thousand years ago by termits that live in extremely hot climat. This species make it’s own increadible spectacle in microscale.

Why don’t we learn from these animals that are able to create a termitary with well-efficient ventilation system and good insolated. Let’s learn from the nature! They create a sustainable architecture that is in need nowadays! They using this kind of „windtowers” that create a good microclimats in termitery and use underground resources of water. Inspired by this species I propose underground city with it’s own sustainable microclimat that is available for everyone.

I propose creating in Dubai a mirror reflection of the city that is underground and is more friendly for all the humanity that lives there. Stop the hierarchy of people by building up. Come back to the ground level and human scale by learning from the microscale of termits.

The city underground is developing naturally – like termits make their termitary depend on climat, resources, communication. It is growing during the time and going deeper. 


  1. Hi, I love the idea and the way you represent it. Even if you have to (obviously) follow your tutor's instructions I'd recommend you to stick to consistent documents. In your case, I might take that mirrored version of Dubai's skyline and USE IT as your cross section, LITERALLY. Then I'd draw it in Autocad and connect it with your corridors, ventilators, shafts...etc, But within the realm os architectural sophistication and clarity of a SOLID cross section. Great Job!!!


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