What is a City? Functionality and development?

What is a City?

To start with, I want to turn to the dictionary, because only there we can get the most
accurate meaning of this word. “City – a large or important town”. Then, what is a town? “Town
- a thickly populated area, with fixed boundaries and certain local powers of government”. But
how it looks like? And what is the main goal of a city?
The number of today's definitions of the concept of "city" is almost endless. Different
peoples, countries, religions, civilizations, business cultures... For every citizen of a city, this is
something unshakable for their own. But the city is a unity of dissimilar people who must be
aware that it is development.
Historically, had to satisfy their primitive needs as water, food and child. As a more
developed animal, people created tribes to defend more efficiently, to hunt more successfully,
to create progeny more effective. In settlements people build up fences, creates new work tools.
Through time villages becomes towns with walls and effective technologies. Here started the
process of urbanization – when people who lived outside these borders felt undefended moved
to the city, to be more protected and more effective in their work. Nowadays people moving to
the cities for a new posibilites of developing themselves.
Every small person as a small cell creates a big system - society. With a development of a
person developing the needs of a society and technologies, as a result the system where people
live also changes - appears new houses and buildings, cities and their structure changes. But this
development has to be structural and functional to provide more efficient growth.
For example, in a process of urbanisation in third world countries in cities rise slums,
because of lack of new cheep buildings, that can afford new citizens. This create lots of social
problems and not comfortable for people, not efficient, that slows the city development. On the
other hand, cities that invest in effective infrastructure, new buildings, technologies, receive
more effective society with more food and water, that changed to money.
All in all, I wanted to say, that city - is an unstoppable development of a person, society
and technology with a main goal – more effective development. It is a result of trials and
mistakes. The best city is an utopian idea that cannot be realised. If we will stop development, it
will change to regress.

Ervin Golvih
University of Alicante


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