Manifesto - Catherine Bookham

Foremost, our project idealises the future. One factor, sea level, determines our reality yet reflects the values of a new society and a manifesto. A manifesto is only text unless it is manifested. Our design aims to manifest these values in physical and then social form. 

1. What is built must come around again
2. The environment should be respected and protected
3. Social hierarchy and discrimination should not exist
4.Communities must work collaboratively and peacefully
5.Integration of the elements produces harmony
6. Everyone should have a purpose and family
7. Local before afar
8. Mixture is beautiful

Some ways in which this has appeared in the project include
- the drive for reuse of existing structures
-utilising all available forms of renewable energy
-creating physical links between levels to allow free access
-providing communal spaces
- allowing nature to grow in vernacular state
-keeping production local
-allowing a free mixture of culture and architectural program and style 

Catherine Bookham


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