Isolated city - group 3 (Fredrik, Lidia, Benedetta, Natalia)


As a result of the quarantine caused by covid 19 this project emerged. It started when all group members
were isolated in our apartments in Alicante. The concept of isolation was investigated and adapted in a
radical way to Dubai. In the adaptation we focused on a future scenario where climate change has caused
an extreme heat in the region that makes it impossible to be outside and exposed to the sun. Instead of
representing this scenario in a dystopian way we tried to look at our future city from within and create a
vibrant and utopian city responding to the conditions, in symbiosis with the climate. More than an
architectural project intended to be built the project has been developed to question the way both Dubai
but also the rest of the world is exploiting and ignoring climate change.

In the link below you get access to a drive folder with the process from the beginning to the end. You
can also find the final video that can be seen as the conclusion of the project. Hope you enjoy! 

Fredrik Olausson - Lidia Liberska - Natalia Lozano - Benedetta Melli


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